24.-27.09.2024 InnoTrans 2024 in Berlin – CityCube Halle 4 | 120
OSTAKON presents ICO – Inter-Company Operation Monitor and nxGen Data Exchange on the InnoTrans. ICO an innovative solution that enables companies to monitor and collaborate on relevant processes such as repair, release or quality assurance transparently and with equal authorization. Every participant has access to all data at all times. See this youtube video.
The decentralized Web3 technology used solves the problem of data control by individual partners. The documentation immutable and legally binding. ICO revolutionizes auditable process and transport monitoring and control. In addition, the optional data exchange module offers simple data exchange between companies. Providers get an early return on investment and users can optimize their data-based operations.
More about us and our activities on the InnoTrans you’ll find at InnoTransPlus. And don’t miss our program:
- Worls Innovation – KI Tours
24.09.2024 und 26.09.2024 | Start Halle 7.1 A - CLUSTER SPOTLIGHT: Projekt-Pitches „Digitalisierung im Bahnsektor“ Vorstellung unseres mFund Projet DigiOnTrack
25.09.2024 13:00 | City Cube Halle B Stand 310 - Worls Innovation – KI Tours
26.09.2024 | Start Halle 7.1 A - CLUSTER SPOTLIGHT: Web3 – Unternehmensübergreifender Betrieb und Datenaustausch
26.09.2024 16:00 | City Cube Halle B Stand 310, Moderation: Thomas Ostertag (OSTAKON)
Contact us and get free access for one day that you can choose.
Recommended events:
- CLUSTER SPOTLIGHT: Autonomes fahren – aber richtig! Fahrgasterlebnis, Emotion Detection, KI, Videoüberwachung
25.09.2024 15:00 | City Cube Halle B Stand 310, Moderation: Larissa Zeichert (LAT) - CLUSTER SPOTLIGHT: Kapazitätsmanagement im Schienengüterverkehr
26.09.2024 14:00 | City Cube Halle B Stand 310, Moderation: Katrin Höhne (Menlo79)